Lombard, Illinois Parentage Attorneys
Family Law Lawyers in DuPage County for Paternity Matters

At A. Traub & Associates, we firmly believe the relationships between parents and their children are very important. We also understand that, in certain cases, a little extra effort may be needed to establish a legal parent-child relationship. Legal paternity or parentage provides the basis for ensuring your child receives the benefits and support he or she deserves. It also allows both parents to exercise their parenting rights regarding their child.
Presumed Parentage in Illinois
Under Illinois law, when a child is born to a married—or very recently divorced—couple, the mother's spouse is presumed to be the child's other legal parent. The same is true if the couple marries after the child's birth, and the spouse's name has been listed on the child's birth certificate. These guidelines, thanks to recent updates in the law, apply to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples. Establishing parentage in most marital situations is relatively simple, but can be much more complicated for parents who are not married.
Securing the Parent-Child Relationship
When there is no presumed father or another parent, or if you believe that someone other than the presumed parent should assume parental responsibilities, parentage may be established in one of several ways. You and the child's father can complete and sign a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, which is considered valid under the law. Alternatively, you can seek to have the court determine parentage, which may require genetic testing. Our compassionate attorneys are ready to help you get the answers you need while looking out for your child's best interests and long-term well-being.
Lombard, IL Advocates for Mothers and Alleged Fathers
The experienced team at A. Traub & Associates is equipped to help mothers pursue child support to provide financial assistance for raising her child. The first step in securing child support is often a determination of paternity, and our lawyers will remain at your side every step of the way.
We also realize the importance of fathers' rights. With that in mind, we proudly help men looking to establish paternity of their child so that they can pursue increased parental responsibilities (formerly known as child custody) and parenting time (visitation). When necessary, we can also assist in settling disputes over parentage, and can work with you through the sensitive process of denying paternity in appropriate situations.
Schedule an Appointment Today
If you have additional questions about paternity or parentage in Illinois, or would like to discuss your own situation in greater detail, contact the offices of A. Traub & Associates. We will help you find the answers you deserve and will help you fully understand your legal options. Call 630-426-0196 today. From offices in Lombard and Arlington Heights, Illinois, we are proud to serve clients in and around DuPage County, Kane County, Will County, and Cook County.