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Child Support in Illinois: Determining Payment Amounts

 Posted on February 19,2019 in Child Support

DuPage County Child Support Lawyer

Child support payments are among the most important elements that must be determined for most couples as they begin the divorce process. While many people associate child support with divorce, parents who share a child but are not legally married may seek or be required to pay child support.

Although child support payments are typically determined through the court, some families decide to settle their payments through a mutual agreement. According to 2016 data released by the U.S. Census Bureau, 89.9 percent of custodial single parents have formal agreements through the court, which means only a small percentage of parents maintain an informal agreement.

Here is a look at the types of arrangements families can have and the aspects that figure into the determination process.

Types of Child Support Arrangements

Most parents have joint custody of their children after divorce since judges typically believe this is in the best interests of the child. For those who share custody, calculating payments can be complicated. There are two factors that go into the determination process: a parent’s income and the amount of time spent with the child. Often, the parent who has the highest income will contribute the most money. However, if the highest earning parent also spends the most time caring for the child, their required check will most likely be reduced in an attempt to equate the costs between both parents. For those who have never been married, determining payment sizes can depend on a variety of factors. These include who the child lives with, the resources available to the custodial parent, and each parent’s income.

What is Considered Income?

Usually, a person’s income is thought of as the paycheck or direct deposit that goes into their account each month, but there are a variety of items that are considered income in the eyes of the court. Income does include money coming in (wages, tips, commissions, and bonuses) as well as benefits (Social Security, unemployment, and veterans benefits). Annuities, interest, and pensions are also taken into consideration.

Contact a DuPage County Child Support Attorney for Help

The failure to help a child’s other parent pay for their care is taken very seriously by the court. Potential consequences include property seizure, suspension of a business or driver’s license, tax refund interception, wage garnishment, or arrest and jail time. Child support payments can be frustrating for both sides of the check. A. Traub & Associates is ready to assist you. Contact our Lombard, IL child support attorneys at 630-426-0196 for a consultation today.


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