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Fostering a Healthy Road to Healing After Your Illinois Divorce

 Posted on October 15,2019 in Divorce

DuPage County divorce lawyer

The difficulties that accompany divorce can be vast, leaving you to face a major learning curve as you navigate your life without your ex-spouse. From new living arrangements and daily routines to possible career changes and less quality time with your children, divorce in the family unleashes a whole range of uncomfortable emotions for everyone involved. Eventually, though, the healing process begins, and with time and experience comes the ability to adapt to post-divorce life.

Paving the Way for Recovery

Psychologists remind those grieving from a divorce that human beings are incredibly resilient, but research also shows just how hard the recovery stages of the loss can be. The divorce process looks different from person to person, and each separation has its own set of challenges and heartaches. If you feel you are having an exceptionally hard time kick-starting the healing process, or if you feel stuck in the attempt to move on with your life, experts recommend the following:

  • Stay true to your feelings. Nothing hinders a healthy healing process like ignoring your feelings or sweeping them under the rug. Communication about how you are feeling is key when going through a divorce, not only with yourself but with others, too. If your anxiety is off the charts, or if depression is weighing you down, admit to yourself that you are not feeling well. Tell your friends or family when you are not up to going out or that you need to talk to someone. Ask for support, even when it feels uncomfortable or unnatural.

  • Accept that it is normal to have bad days. An important thing to remember when going through a divorce is that it is not realistic to handle everything perfectly. You are not expected to feel great or to maintain the same momentum at work and at home that you did before the separation. It is normal to feel sad, angry, and lost, and having bad days is a normal part of the process.

  • Acknowledge the weight of the loss. Experts try to drive home the reality that divorce is not a single loss. It is a conglomeration of losses, all packed together and experienced at the same time. Some of those losses are experienced in layers, over periods of time, and they may continue to unravel as the days and months pass. Divorce is not only the loss of your spouse, but it is also the loss of the home you once shared, loss of financial support to which you may have been accustomed, loss of mutual friends, the loss of a dream or vision you had for your life, and much more. Acknowledging this reality and the emotional distress that results from these losses is an important part of healing in a healthy way.

Contact a Wheaton Divorce Attorney

No matter what the aftermath of your divorce looks like, asking for help and seeking out the resources you need to feel better and move forward is key to ensuring a healthy road to recovery. If you are facing a contentious divorce and are having difficulty finding solutions, speaking with a knowledgeable DuPage County divorce lawyer can help you protect your rights. Let us address your questions and concerns while you focus on taking care of yourself. Call A. Traub & Associates today at 630-426-0196 to schedule a consultation.


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