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Establishing a Parenting Plan Through Mediation in Illinois

 Posted on August 24,2020 in Mediation

Wheaton divorce attorney mediation

Many divorcing couples recognize that although it is no longer the right decision for them to stay married, they both continue to share the goal of providing the best possible life for their children. This desire to co-parent effectively can be a major motivating factor toward pursuing a cooperative divorce, rather than allowing the process to devolve into destructive conflict. If you and your spouse are hoping to work together to establish a parenting plan that works for everyone in your family, divorce mediation may be the right choice for you.

Why Is Divorce Mediation Beneficial?

In divorce mediation, you and your spouse are able to make your own, cooperative decisions regarding the terms of your divorce. A neutral mediator guides the process so that discussions stay on track and both spouses have the opportunity to voice their perspectives. If mediation works for you, you may be able to reach a faster resolution and reduce expenses when compared to a trial, and you are also able to keep your divorce proceedings out of the public eye. Mediation can resolve a variety of issues in your divorce, including the division of property and spousal support, but it can be especially helpful for child custody and visitation.

Using Mediation for Your Parenting Agreement

Cooperative, mediated discussions about your parenting plan can help you make decisions that honor the best interests of your children and both parents. When you discuss parenting time and visitation, you can work to create a schedule that allows you and your spouse to make the most of the time you have with your children. You can also reach an agreement for sharing or alternating time on holidays, as well as a plan for the children’s smooth transportation between households.

When you discuss parental responsibilities during mediation, you and your spouse will have the opportunity to express your priorities. You can clarify which parent will be responsible for the children’s health insurance and medical care, as well as how you will share responsibility for their religious upbringing. If you have a bond with one of your kids through a shared activity, you can ensure that you continue to be involved in that activity after the divorce. If you have children planning to attend college in the near future, you can also work with your spouse to determine how you will each contribute financially to their education.

Contact a Wheaton Divorce Mediation Attorney

Mediation allows you to keep divorce decisions within your family, and it also can make it possible for you and your ex-spouse to cooperate and communicate effectively throughout your time co-parenting. At A. Traub & Associates, we have attorneys who are also trained mediators, and we can help you reach a resolution while ensuring that you have accounted for any potential legal issues. Contact our qualified and compassionate DuPage County divorce lawyers today at 630-426-0196 to schedule a private consultation.


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