Keeping Discipline on an Even Keel: Finding a Balance for Adoptive Parents

One of the oldest and most effective discipline methods. Pick a specific time-out post for each child. When placing your child in his or her designed location set the length of the time-out based on the child's age plus one additional minute.
If your adopted child has been diagnosed with attachment issues this method may prove more productive than the traditional timeout. The length of the time-in should follow the same format as time-out but the child is shadowing your every move while serving his or her time.
Go both ways. A child who is following house rules can earn privileges and when ignoring the rules can just as easily lose privileges. Privileges can be defined by you or by including input of the children.
Behavioral Chart
One of the most effective methods to monitor. Charting can give your child a better understanding on what they need to work on as well as experiencing success in other behavioral areas. You can decide on the reward for specific achievement levels.
Family Meetings
Schedule weekly family meetings. This provides the children and the parents the opportunity to discuss the events of the week. Remember to give everyone equal floortime and remain positive never letting the meeting turn into a grievance session.
Professional Advice
If you find that some behavioral issues are just too difficult to handle, consider weekly sessions with a therapist. If you feel that your adopted child would benefit from working with a therapist you may be surprised how the past has played into behavioral issues. Possibly your biological children may also benefit if they are dealing with any issues of their own with regard to the new family dynamic.
Deciding to grow your family with blending adoption and biological children can be challenging. By incorporating a family tailored discipline model you should be able to achieve a healthy balance for you and all your children.
If you are up to the challenge and considering adoption, the disciplined adoption attorneys at A. Traub & Associates can prepare you for the road ahead. Whether you are considering a domestic or even international adoption we will guide you through the process to ensure that your decision is not only a rewarding one but a legally sound experience. Take the first step to expanding your family by contacting us at 630-426-0196 to schedule an affordable consultation today.