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Three Signs a Parenting Coordinator is Needed in a Divorce

 Posted on January 30, 2024 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerAs a parent, it can be heartbreaking to contemplate the adverse effects your divorce could potentially have on your child's life. These negative effects are often sparked by intense interpersonal conflict between parents. As a result, parental communication can suffer significantly, making the process harder for everyone, particularly the children. If you have serious concerns about your divorce and what it may mean for your children, your situation may call for the help of a parenting coordinator. Discuss this possibility with your lawyer in Illinois to understand your options and how you can safeguard your children's well-being.

Three Clues a Parenting Coordinator May Be Needed in Your Divorce

  1. High conflict between parents – One of the primary signs that a parenting coordinator is needed is the presence of high conflict between the parents. When disputes arise frequently, and communication suffers, it can have a devastating effect on the children. Working as a neutral third party, a parenting coordinator will facilitate communication and assist parents in finding common ground. Resolving conflicts, creating effective co-parenting strategies, and ensuring the children's best interests are always prioritized are some examples of what parenting coordinators do best.

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How an Attorney Assists in Egg Donor Agreements in Illinois

 Posted on January 23, 2024 in Adoption

Lombard Egg Donor Agreement LawyerEgg donation is a generous act that can bring hope and happiness to individuals and couples struggling with infertility. However, the legal aspects of egg donation can be complex and require careful consideration. In Illinois, engaging an experienced family lawyer is important in ensuring that all parties involved in an egg donor agreement are protected and their rights are upheld.

Drafting and Reviewing the Egg Donor Contract

Regardless of what area of law you are dealing with, attorneys are essential guides to anything related to a contract, such as contracts between the intended parents and the egg donor. This agreement outlines all parties' rights, responsibilities, and expectations, including compensation-related issues, confidentiality, medical procedures, and future contact. An attorney ensures that the agreement complies with Illinois laws and protects the intents and interests of the intended parents and the egg donor.

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Should I Contest a Will or Forget About It?

 Posted on January 16, 2024 in Estate Planning

DuPage County contested will lawyerContemplating whether to contest a will can be difficult, often influenced by factors like emotional attachments, perceived injustices, and potential legal complexities. If you are considering whether to contest a will, it may be wise to sit down with an experienced attorney and discuss your situation. Qualified estate planning attorneys can help you weigh your options, ensuring that your decision is the best for your circumstances.

Valid Reasons for Contesting a Will

Before deciding whether to contest a will in Illinois, assessing the validity of your reasons for doing so is essential. Valid reasons may include suspension of undue influence, lack of testamentary capacity, fraud, or improper execution of the will. If any of these factors have influenced the contents of the will, it may be worth pursuing a contest. However, it is important to consult with a lawyer who can evaluate the strength of your case and provide high-quality legal advice based on your situation.

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Should Single Parents Have an Estate Plan?

 Posted on January 08, 2024 in Estate Planning

Lombard Estate Planning LawyerEstate planning is often associated with married couples and those who are wealthy. However, single parents who are solely responsible for their children’s well-being should also prioritize estate planning. As a parent, you likely care deeply about your child’s future. Estate planning is a phenomenal way to proactively plan for the future and the various unknowns that come with it. To get the process started, contact an estate planning attorney. As your legal representative, they will ensure that you utilize the estate planning tools that are most beneficial to your situation.

Setting Up Guardianship of Minor Children

For single parents, one of the most critical aspects of estate planning is determining who will care for their minor children in the event of their untimely death or incapacity. By designating a guardian in their estate plan, single parents can ensure that their children will be cared for by someone they trust and who shares their values and beliefs.

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Keeping Costs Down When Creating a Complex Estate Plan

 Posted on December 29, 2023 in Estate Planning

Lombard Estate Planning LawyerCreating a complex estate plan may be a reality for individuals with larger estates, diverse assets, and intricate family dynamics. While the process may seem daunting and potentially expensive, there are strategies to keep costs down without compromising the quality and effectiveness of the plan. If you are looking to create an estate plan but are concerned about the complexity of your estate and how much it may cost to make your plan, an experienced lawyer can assist you. Whether you want to create an Illinois will or something else, help is available.

Plan Ahead and Organize 

Before meeting with an estate planning attorney, take the time to gather and organize all relevant financial and legal documents. This includes property deeds, investment statements, insurance policies, and business documents. You can save time and reduce billable hours spent on information gathering by providing a comprehensive overview of your assets and liabilities.

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Understanding the Basics of Irrevocable Trusts in Illinois

 Posted on December 21, 2023 in Adoption

Blog ImageIn Illinois, an irrevocable trust is a legal arrangement that provides individuals in Illinois with a powerful tool for estate planning. If you are looking to create an estate plan or add this type of trust as part of your estate plan, experienced lawyers are ready to make your goals a reality. By sitting down with an attorney, you will explore the key aspects of irrevocable trusts, their benefits, and how they differ from revocable trusts.

What is an Irrevocable Trust?

Irrevocable trusts are a legal entity created by an individual, referred to as the grantor, to hold and manage assets for the benefit of designated beneficiaries. Once established, the terms of an irrevocable trust cannot be modified or revoked without the consent of all beneficiaries. By relinquishing control over the assets, the grantor can protect them from creditors, estate taxes, and potential legal disputes. This type of trust is often used to transfer wealth, provide for loved ones with special needs, or support charitable causes. 

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How a Lawyer Can Help You Through an Uncontested Adoption 

 Posted on December 12, 2023 in Adoption

Blog ImageAdopting a child is a monumental life event, but it can also be a legally complex process. Even in an uncontested adoption in Illinois, seeking the assistance of a lawyer is wise and highly recommended. Your lawyer will help you navigate the uncontested adoption process, providing essential guidance through their first-hand professional experience in assisting clients to get through the process, all while ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.

Let Your Lawyer Lead the Way

A lawyer's primary role in an uncontested adoption is to provide legal advice and guidance. They can explain the legal requirements, rights, and obligations involved in the uncontested adoption process. A lawyer can help you understand the adoption laws in your jurisdiction, the necessary paperwork, and any potential challenges that may arise. They can guide you through the process, ensuring all required legal guidelines are adhered to in accordance with the law.

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How Is Child Support Affected by Job Loss in Illinois?

 Posted on December 06, 2023 in Family Law Blog

Wheaton Family LawyerNo matter what the specific circumstances are, a couple going through a divorce will have several issues they need to work out and come to agreement about. When the couple has children, figuring out the division of parental responsibilities and costs can become one of the most complicated issues to settle.

These agreements are generally reached based on the circumstances of the couple at the time of the divorce settlement. However, circumstances can change and affect one’s ability to fulfill their obligations. If you are a parent who needs to pay child support and changed circumstances make it hard for you to do so, a Lombard, IL divorce lawyer can help guide you towards a more reasonable arrangement.

Can Child Support Arrangements Be Changed in Illinois?

If your divorce settlement includes the fact that you pay child support, it is likely that at the time of the divorce, you had stable employment and income. But what happens if you lose your job and can no longer afford to make those payments? Will you be obligated to keep paying even if it would harm your personal finances?

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How Long Does It Take to Create an Estate Plan?

 Posted on November 30, 2023 in Estate Planning Blog

Wheaton Estate Planning LawyerBuilding an estate plan is a highly important process that works to ensure your assets and wishes are protected and effectively distributed after your passing. However, many people looking to create an estate plan may be unaware of the timeline involved in the estate planning process. If you are interested in creating an estate plan and are wondering how long or short doing so may take, contact an experienced lawyer who practices estate planning law, as this person will be qualified to help you create an Illinois will or any other documents related to estate planning. Consulting with your lawyer will give you a better idea of the different factors that can influence the time it takes to create an estate plan and provide a general understanding of the timeline involved in the process.

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Should I Create Both a Will and a Trust for My Estate Plan?

 Posted on November 20, 2023 in Estate Planning Blog

Untitled---2023-11-20T115812.236.jpgWhen many people think of estate planning, they consider whether they should create a will or trust. This makes sense, as these are the two most common tools used in estate planning. While both serve similar purposes, they have distinct features. As a result, for some individuals, it may make sense to create both a will and a trust for your estate plan. To learn about what the process entails and to secure legal representation to pursue your estate planning goals, contact an experienced lawyer in Illinois to get this beneficial process started.

Wills Offer Flexibility and Simplicity

In estate planning, a will is essentially a blueprint that outlines your wishes for how you would like your assets distributed when you die. Creating a will is generally a simple process, as is modifying a will. These two factors make wills a flexible tool for managing your estate. In addition, a will allows you to name beneficiaries, appoint guardians for minor children, and specify any other instructions you may have. Wills are an important component of any estate plan, no matter the size of your estate.

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