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Understanding Living Wills and Why They Are Important

 Posted on February 08, 2023 in Family Law Blog

arlington heights estate planning lawyerA living will, also sometimes referred to as an advance healthcare directive, is a legal document that lays out an individual's wishes regarding their medical treatment if they are unable to make decisions for themselves. In Illinois, a living will is a document that specifies what types of medical treatments an individual would like to receive or refuse in the event of a terminal illness, persistent vegetative state, or other life-threatening conditions.

Today, we will look at the many advantages of creating a living will while focusing on what makes them an especially important estate planning tool. If you are interested in creating a living will, do not hesitate to contact an experienced estate planning attorney who will work to ensure your rights remain protected and respected throughout the process and that your estate planning goals become a reality.

What Makes a Living Will So Important?

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What to Know About Contested Documents in Illinois Estate Plans 

 Posted on January 30, 2023 in Estate Planning Blog

Lombard, IL estate planning lawyerThe immediate aftermath of a loved one’s death is often a time of great sorrow. If there is any contentiousness regarding your loved one’s estate, this time of great sadness can become even more challenging to deal with as you try to sort out your deceased loved one’s assets and property. Unfortunately, contesting estate planning documents can occur for various reasons. Whether you are looking to contest a document or are an executor looking to protect an estate, hiring an experienced estate planning attorney may be necessary to ensure procedures are followed lawfully and that a resolution can be achieved in your favor.

Why Would an Estate Planning Document be Challenged?

In most cases, an estate planning document is usually challenged because there is doubt among the contesting party that the deceased person’s decision-making at the time the document was made was in some way corrupted, either by an outside party meddling or by the deceased individuals’ cognitive abilities at the time the documents were created. If you have reason to believe your loved one was not of sound mind or was unduly influenced when creating documents for their estate plan, an experienced estate planning attorney may be able to assist you in resolving the situation.

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What to Know About Guardian ad Litems in Illinois

 Posted on January 25, 2023 in Family Law Blog

Lombard, IL family lawyerWhen parents are pursuing a divorce, the most contentious issues that must be resolved are often related to issues regarding child custody. It is common for divorcing parents to disagree with each other on matters relating to their child. Which parent will be responsible for specific parental responsibilities, where will the child's primary residence be, and transportation arrangements are common questions many parents getting divorced need to answer. As all these questions swirl around, it is easy for parents to get caught up and forget the most important thing: what is best for their child?

Suppose parents find it difficult or even impossible to agree on matters relating to their child. In that case, the court may find it necessary to appoint a legal representative to advocate for the child, also known as a guardian ad litem (GAL). For the purpose of this blog, we will delve deeper into what a GAL is and its purpose in family law cases. If you and your spouse are getting a divorce and are finding it difficult or impossible to come to agreements on child-related matters, contact an attorney who will work tirelessly to resolve any outstanding issues and will serve as an advocate for you and your child throughout the child custody process.

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What to Know About the Benefits of a Trust Over a Will

 Posted on January 13, 2023 in Estate Planning Blog

Lombard, IL estate planning lawyerIn recent years, trusts have exploded in popularity and have, for many families, become the main form of testamentary estate planning. A common misconception regarding trusts is that for a trust to work for you, you must be a wealthy individual. However, this is not true. Compared to a will, a trust can do practically everything a will can do. That being said, a trust allows for increased discretion and more control over gradual distribution.

In all, there are many benefits that trusts offer that wills do not. Unless you have underage children, you may not need to establish a will if you decide to develop a trust. There are lots of different kinds of trusts that offer particular advantages and disadvantages. To learn more about trusts and what estate planning options may be best for you, contact an estate planning attorney to learn more about your options.

Advantages of a Trust Over a Will

As stated previously, there are many advantages of trusts. These advantages include the following:

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What to Know About Civil Unions in DuPage County

 Posted on January 09, 2023 in Family Law Blog

Lombard, IL civil union lawyerMany states, including Illinois, have come a long way in recognizing and respecting the rights of same-sex couples and LGBTQ individuals. In 2014, Illinois passed a same-sex marriage bill allowing gay couples to marry and enjoy the same rights as every other married couple in the state. However, many couples decide to pursue a civil union instead of marrying. Suppose you are in a same-sex relationship or are in a relationship with someone in the LGBTQ community and are interested in pursuing a civil union rather than a traditional marriage. In that case, it is essential for you to meet with a knowledgeable attorney so that you and your partner understand your rights and are able to enter a happy and loving civil union.

Important Information Regarding Representation for Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships

It is important to note that civil unions and traditional marriages offer similar benefits. However, civil unions are not recognized in every state and are still not recognized by the federal government. If you and your partner are interested in entering into a civil union, understand that you will have access to critical legal rights, including the following:

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What to Know if You Are a Beneficiary Seeking Legal Counsel

 Posted on December 28, 2022 in Estate Planning

DuPage County estate planning lawyerIt is generally considered a great honor to be named as a beneficiary of someone’s will or trust. It demonstrates that someone cared enough about you to ensure you were included in their estate plan. In many cases, beneficiaries receive the benefits they are entitled to according to the will or trust of the deceased without any issues or complications. However, in other cases, numerous sources of frustration can arise as the process of receiving your benefits plays out. If you are a beneficiary concerned with the course of the estate administration and probate process, contact a knowledgeable attorney who will ensure your rights remain protected and that you receive the benefits you are entitled to.

Improper Estate Administration

When someone is named as a beneficiary, they are tasked with relying on the executor chosen by the deceased to take care of issues relating to their estate. Usually, the deceased selected the executor because they believed the person would be up to the task. However, this is only sometimes the case. In many cases, an executor may be overly busy, not aware of the gravity of the situation, or perhaps they wish to take advantage of the process. In any event, inadequate estate administration is a common reason why a beneficiary may want to consult with a lawyer.

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​​Common Mistakes When Selecting a Divorce Attorney and How to Avoid Them  

 Posted on December 19, 2022 in Divorce

Lombard, IL divorce lawyerFew couples get married with the expectation that the marriage will end in a divorce. Unfortunately, however, marriages all too often do end in divorce. Sometimes, a couple may delay getting divorced because they fear the process will be too difficult and upsetting to bear. While this sentiment is understandable, the process does not need to be terrible.

The start of the divorce process begins when you select your attorney. For this blog, we will discuss mistakes people often make when choosing the attorney to represent them in their divorce. We will also discuss how to avoid making these mistakes. While you are not required to retain the services of an attorney when getting divorced, you are strongly advised to hire an attorney to ensure your rights are protected and the process is completed lawfully.

What to Do and Not Do When Selecting a Divorce Attorney

The first mistake people make when hiring an attorney is failing to do enough research before making a selection. The law firm the attorney works for, their reputation, payment structure, and experience are all factors that must be considered when selecting a divorce attorney. To ensure this does not happen to you, try to obtain as many referrals as possible while asking other lawyers about a specific attorney or law firm. By cross-referencing the information you receive and getting a bigger picture, you will be better positioned to make a wiser decision.

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What Are the Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes? 

 Posted on December 08, 2022 in Estate Planning Blog

Lombard, IL estate planning attorneyEstate planning can be an excellent way to grant your loved one's peace of mind in case of the inevitable. However, many people may hesitate to engage in estate planning for various reasons. They may feel like they will have time in the future to do it or that doing it brings up uncomfortable questions that they would rather not answer. While these sentiments are common, it is essential to grasp how important estate planning is to ensure that your wishes are known and respected after you pass away. Estate planning can indeed be complex, but delaying it because it is difficult will only make the process more burdensome on your loved ones.

Since there are many pieces to an estate plan, it can be easy to make mistakes if you do not have the proper guidance. If you are interested in the estate planning process, contact an experienced estate planning attorney who can work with you to ensure no serious mistakes are made. In this blog, we will delve into some common mistakes people make when estate planning.

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Ways to Help Your Children Cope with Your Divorce

 Posted on December 08, 2022 in Child Custody

Lombard, IL divorce attorneyGetting a divorce can be a challenging process, filled with hardships and heartbreak. This is especially true for children affected by their parent's divorce. Depending on the divorce circumstances, children may carry the pain of their parent's divorce for the rest of their lives. However, supporting your children during difficult times is what being a parent is all about.

You are not alone if you are getting a divorce and are worried about how your children will deal with it. A looming divorce can seem overwhelming. But, with so much to deal with, where should you begin? Your first action should be to hire an experienced divorce attorney. Your attorney will work with you through the process, ensuring that your best interests are protected and always at the forefront of decisions made.

Helping Your Children Navigate this Difficult Time

This advice is applicable whether you have one child or several. To be the most helpful you can be, here is what you can do during your divorce to ensure that your kids are protected:

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Understanding Guardianships of Disabled Adults in Illinois

 Posted on November 23, 2022 in Family Law Blog

Lombard, IL adult guardianship attorneyThroughout a lifetime, there are times when you may find yourself relying on someone else for different reasons. For some people, however, this need to rely on someone else is more significant than a typical individual's need to rely on someone. For instance, if someone is disabled physically or mentally, they may require a higher level of assistance.

Watching a family member or friend struggle to sustain themselves and manage their life can be heartbreaking. Luckily, in Illinois, if you are watching a friend or loved one struggle to maintain their affairs due to a disability and wish to help them, you can pursue guardianship of that individual. If you are interested in learning more about seeking guardianship of a disabled adult, consult an experienced attorney with knowledge of guardianships to ensure your rights and the disabled individuals' rights remain protected and that the process is as smooth as possible.

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